
    Eurasia Mining Plc neuer Stern am Palladiumhimmel - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 24.04.06 17:30:38 von
    neuester Beitrag 03.08.06 18:59:39 von
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    ISIN: GB0003230421 · WKN: 928489 · Symbol: EUA
    -14,75 %
    -0,0045 GBP
    Letzter Kurs 14.06.24 London

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 24.04.06 17:30:38
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Partner von Ashanti und Anglo Platinum

      diese NEWS bringt den Durchbruch

      EURASIA ENTDECKT REINES PLATIN-ALLUVIAL ABLAGERUNG AN WESTKYTLIM, URALS, RUSSLAND Eurasia, das plc gewinnt, freut sich, um über die Entdeckung von einem vorher unbekanntem zu berichten und unmined alluvial Platinablagerung auf Teilen der Tylai Flußterrassen in seiner Westkytlim Lizenz in den zentralen Urals von Rußland. Bohrgerätresultate vom ersten Quer über dem Terrassedurchschnitt 335 Milligramme pro Kubikmeßinstrument (mg/m3 - die Standardmethode des Berichtens über Bohrgerät resultiert für alluvial Ablagerungen), über einer Oberflächenbreite von 320 Metern (M) und einer durchschnittlichen Stärke der Details 3.2m. der Resultate werden auf der Web site der Firma zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Ablagerung liegt unter 1 - 8m von unfruchtbarem Flußsediment, das bisher die Ablagerung von der vorhergehenden gewinnentätigkeit verborgen hat. Die Resultate sind mit Erforschungmodell Eurasias gleichbleibend, das dieses Ziel als seiend ungefähr 5 Kilometer lang auf der Südseite von diesem Fluß mit einem geschätzten Gesamtpotential von 5.1 Million Kubikmeßinstrumenten gekennzeichnet hat. Ein Sekunde bis jetzt ungetestetes Ziel bleibt, auf der Nordseite des Tylai Flusses erforscht zu werden. Zusätzlich zu dieser reinen Entdeckung und gefunden worden nahe den Oberläufen des Tylai Flusses, hat eine zweite Bohrgerätdurchquerung bei Bolshoya Sosvovka das Material gekennzeichnet, das beide Rückstände von einem früheren ausbaggernden Betrieb enthält und Blöcke des Restes unmined Material, dem Durchschnitte 320 mg/m3 Oberfläche von den Überstärken 3.6 to15.3 m. Eurasias der Arbeit ein mögliches Volumen von 3.7 Million m3 über einer Oberflächenbreite von ca. 200 m und von möglicher Länge von 2 Kilometern anzeigt. Ein intensives bohrenprogramm fährt mit dem Ziel des Abgrenzens der Blöcke während fort dieses (2006) Sommers mit einem Betrieb Test-gewonnen zu werden und verarbeitet worden der Mineralisierung,, der von Eurasia konstruiert worden ist. Zusätzliche Zielbereiche innerhalb des Lizenzbereichs haben, schon festgesetzt zu werden. Kommentierend die Resultate, sagte geschäftsführender Geschäftsführer christliches Schaffalitzky: "wir freuen uns, die Früchte unserer Arbeit bei Westkytlim zu sehen. Zwei mögliche Bereiche der Produktion sind gekennzeichnet worden. Da die Hauptkosten für das Bergbau dieser Projekte bescheiden sind, geholfen, indem sie die Ausrüstung verwenden, die von unserem lokalen Partner besessen wird, erwartet Eurasia, Bargeldumlauf 2007 zu sehen, wenn eine Bergbauerlaubnis rechtzeig zu der Sommerjahreszeit erreicht wird. Wir beabsichtigen ein Projekt, das würde produzieren mindestens 15.000 Unzen Platin pro Jahr." Ein lokalisierter ungefähr 350 Kilometer Norden von Ekaterinburg in der Urals Region von Westrußland, das Westkytlim Projekt wird innerhalb des Urals alluvial Platinriemens aufgestellt, der historisch das drittgrößte Platin war, Region der Welt nach dem Bushveld in Südafrika und Norilsk in Rußland produzierend. Der Kytlim Bezirk selbst hat ungefähr 50 Tonnen (1.6 Million Unzen) alluvial Platin bis jetzt produziert. Eurasia und Angloplatin, der größte Platinproduzent in der Welt, arbeiten gemeinsam auf dem Urals Programm durch ihr begrenztes 50:50 die Joint Venture Firma Urals Alluvial Platin. Angloplatin finanziert 100% von Kosten bis zur Beendigung einer Durchführbarkeitsanalyse. Die Joint Venture hält ein 75% Interesse am Westkytlim Projekt, wenn das restliche Interesse von Production gehalten ist, Artel Yuzhno-Zaozersky Priisk, ein lokales erfolgreiches Platin und Goldminenfirma. Die Erforschunglizenz umfaßt einen Bereich von 171 KM2 über einem Entwässerungssystem, das teilweise für alluvial Platin in der Vergangenheit durch die ausbaggernden und manuellen Methoden bearbeitet wurde. Die Joint Venture zielt vorher unbearbeiteten und ungetesteten Terrassekies, sowie die Rückstände von der letzten Produktion, die überarbeitet werden kann, um Restplatin mit modernen Verfahrenstechniken zurückzugewinnen. Die Erforschunglizenzbezeichnung läuft im Dezember 2008 ab, währenddessen eine Bergbaulizenz sie ersetzen würde. Ein konkurrenzfähiges Erforschung- und Entwicklungsprogramm ist unterwegs auf dem Bereich, zum der frühen Entwicklung zu erleichtern. Die ausführliche Bohrung für eine Durchführbarkeitsanalyse auf zwei Zielbereichen begann im September 2005 und die ersten Bohrgerätresultate haben eine einleitende Einschätzung des Hilfsmittelpotentials erlaubt. Testbergbau wird aufgenommen, um beim Bergbau verwendet zu werden Betriebsmittel und die Verarbeitungsmethoden zu bestätigen die. Die Zielsetzung ist, Produktion 2007, anmaßende erfolgreiche Bewilligung einer Bergbauerlaubnis zu beginnen. Die Verarbeitung des alluvial Sediments ist prinzipiell einfach, mit Aushöhlung und dem Waschen der Platin-Lager Sedimente durchgeführt, damit ein schweres Mineralkonzentrat produziert wird. Dieses Konzentrat besteht aus Platin-reichen Partikeln sowie andere schwere Mineralien wie Chromeisenerz und Magnetit. Dieses Konzentrat wird weiter verarbeitet, um das Platinkonzentrat zu verlassen, das hauptsächlich aus einer Minerallegierung besteht, die isoferroplatinum genannt wird. Die Platinkonzentration dieser Legierung reicht von 78 bis 89%, mit Eisen und das Kupfer, das die meisten vom Rest, mit Spur Gold, Silber und anderem Platin enthält, gruppiert Metalle. Dieses Material wird direkt an Raffinerien verkauft, wenn die Zahlung auf dem zurückgewonnenen Metall basiert ist. Da dieses Material hoher Grad ist, sind die Raffinierung Kosten verglichen mit den Sulfid-reichen Materialien minimales, die den Hauptteil der Platinproduktion der Welt bilden. Hilfsmittelschätzungen für alluvial Projekte werden unterschiedlich zu denen konstruiert, die auf Mineralablagerungen des harten Felsens errechnet werden. Die Grade werden als das zurückgewonnene Gewicht des Platinkonzentrates gemessen gegen das Volumen der probierten oder extrahierten Sedimente berichtet. Die Bohrung der Proben fährt auf ein Rasterfeld fort, das für Zustimmung der Reserven durch die russischen Behörden - ein wesentlicher Schritt für das Erreichen einer Bergbauerlaubnis bestimmt wird. Bei Westkytlim stellen zwei drillhole Profile, eins auf jedem Zielbereich, eine frühe Anzeige über den Grad des Platins, die Verteilung des Metalls in den Sedimenten und die Stärke und der Umfang einer mineralisierten Schichten zur Verfügung. Eine Anzahl von kleinen Produzenten in den Urals extrahieren ökonomisch Platin an den Graden von 100 bis 150 mg/m3. Eurasia wird über die Hilfsmittelschätzungen berichten, die bei den russischen Behörden eingereicht werden und diese werden durch Eurasia und Angloplatin zu diesem Zweck revidiert. Ein Entwicklung Plan wird gründete auf diesen Schätzungen produziert und, dem Bewilligen der notwendigen Erlaubnis folgend, kann Produktion sofort beginnen. Die durchgeführte Arbeit und die technischen Informationen stellten in dieser Freigabe sind überprüft worden von EurGeol Christian Schaffalitzky, PGeo, FIMMM, CEng, das eine qualifizierte Person unter Börseregelungen ist und autorisiert worden durch Urals das Alluvial Platin zur Verfügung, das begrenzt wurde, um diese Freigabe zu bilden. Eurasia ist eine Mineralerforschungfirma, die auf Platin und Golderforschung in Rußland sich spezialisiert. Zusätzlich zu seinen Urals Erforschunginteressen Eurasia Einflüssen drei Lizenzen, die 475 quadratische Kilometer auf der Kolabaum-Halbinsel in Nordwestrußland zusammenzählen, die abhängig von einer ähnlichen Joint Venture mit Angloplatin sind. Die Firma läßt auch ein Erforschungbündnis von AngloGold Ashanti hinsichtlich ist der Golderforschung finanzieren in Ostsibirien.

      Wir beabsichtigen ein Projekt, das würde produzieren mindestens 15.000 Unzen Platin pro Jahr."

      das wären z.ZT 16,8 MIO$$ pro Jahr bei einer MK von 7 MIO

      WKN 928489:eek::eek::eek::eek:
      schrieb am 24.04.06 17:39:49
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      und das noch dazu

      Metalle. Eurasia Gold. Erhält Zustimmung für das Listing an TSX
      schrieb am 24.04.06 17:43:29
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Eurasia mining share price
      Price 10.38p
      Change +2.25p
      Change % +27.71 %
      Year high 8.12p
      Year low 3.12p

      London fix metal prices

      neues ATH in London:eek::eek::eek:
      schrieb am 24.04.06 18:02:40
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()

      schrieb am 24.04.06 18:11:40
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Hat East Africa bisher nur an der Oberfläche gekratzt?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 24.04.06 18:39:23
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      es sollte hier für das erste noch eine Verdoppelung drin liegen
      schrieb am 24.04.06 19:45:10
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      zum Ende nochmal günstig geworden:lick::lick:
      schrieb am 24.04.06 19:48:29
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.300.230 von hainholz am 24.04.06 18:39:23zum Ende nochmal etwas günstiger geworden:lick::lick:
      schrieb am 24.04.06 20:01:29
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.301.202 von hainholz am 24.04.06 19:48:29ah,ja
      man hat nochmal zum Schnupperpreis geordert:)
      schrieb am 24.04.06 22:18:54
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      schrieb am 24.04.06 22:29:29
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.299.143 von hainholz am 24.04.06 17:30:38und Fonds sind auch dabei

      und die Fonds sind auch schon drin

      Eurasia Mining PLC
      Major Shareholders
      103.76m 5p Ords
      Firebird Funds 11.93%
      R B Rowan 8.26%
      Ferrier Lullin & Cie SA 5.78%
      Raffles Associates LP 3.85%
      El Oro Mining & Exp Co PLC 3.35%
      Gartmore Growth Opportunities 3.13%
      C Schaffalitzky 1.77%
      G C FitzGerald 1.15%
      Other Dirs 0.88%

      21st April 2006
      schrieb am 25.04.06 17:21:35
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Man nütze die Gunst der Stunde:lick::lick:
      schrieb am 25.04.06 17:26:44
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      In conjunction with working on current projects, the company has sought and assessed advanced precious metal projects in Russia during 2004, including both Platinum Group Metals and Gold.

      The company is targeting projects where discoveries have been made but where the size and potential has not been estimated. These latter projects are of interest because with modest exploration investment considerable value can be added quickly.

      In addition to the three areas below, considerable efforts are targeting the acquisition of more advanced gold projects in Russia.

      schrieb am 25.04.06 20:20:14
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Faber says gold price may reach $US6000
      Email Print Normal font Large font By Mike Firn and James Poole in Tokyo
      April 26, 2006

      AdvertisementMARC FABER, who told investors to bail out of US stocks a week before the 1987 Black Monday crash and began recommending commodities at the end of 2001, said gold might rise tenfold in the next 10 years.

      "If the Dow Jones [index] goes up three times in the next 10 years, I think gold prices will go up by a minimum 10 times to something like $US6000 an ounce," said Faber, 60, who founded Hong Kong-based Marc Faber Ltd and manages about $US200 million ($268.3 million).

      The author of the newsletter The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report said gold wasn't expensive when "you compare its price to the quantity of money that has been printed in the last 10 to 15 years in the US and the world in general".

      Gold for immediate delivery rose to $US645.85 an ounce on April 20, its highest in more than 25 years, as hedge funds and other speculators bought commodities to seek greater returns than from stocks and bonds. Former George Soros partner Jim Rogers forecast last week that gold would reach $US1000 an ounce.

      The outlook for gold depended on how much money Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke "will print", Mr Faber said in an interview in Tokyo on Monday.

      "As you know he has pronounced speeches about asset deflation," Mr Faber said, referring to Dr Bernanke. "He's concerned about real estate and stocks going down, so in the long run for sure he'll print money."

      Pension and mutual funds are pumping record amounts of cash into commodities as China's booming economy stokes demand for oil and other raw materials, leading to a three-year boom in prices. The amount of money invested in index-linked commodity funds rose last year by as much as $US30 billion to $US80 billion, according to Barclays Capital. The amount might rise by 38 per cent this year to $US110 billion, the bank said.

      Gold for immediate delivery reached a record $US850 in 1980.

      Energy and uranium prices would continue to rise on growing Asian demand, Mr Faber said.

      "Asian oil demand will double," he said. "We don't know whether that will be in eight or 15 years but for sure it will double and I don't think supplies will be able to match that."

      Mr Faber has worked in Asia for more than 30 years. He served as managing director at the Hong Kong unit of Drexel Burnham Lambert from 1978 to 1990.

      He did not rule out a big correction in commodity prices.

      Still, that would not mean the end of the commodity boom.

      "Between December 1974 and August 1976 the price of gold declined from $US195 to $US103," he said. "Then it still went up eight times."

      schrieb am 25.04.06 22:27:45
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      schrieb am 26.04.06 18:07:10
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.299.143 von hainholz am 24.04.06 17:30:38
      Close | Print

      lse announcements - news story
      The information on this page is updated via a feed from the London Stock Exchange's Regulatory News Service.
      Eurasia Mining PLC - Exercise of Warrants

      RNS Number:0391C
      Eurasia Mining PLC
      26 April 2006

      26 April 2006


      Exercise of Warrants and Convertible Redeemable Loan Notes 2008

      Eurasia Mining plc ('the Company') announces that on 24 April 2006 the following
      holders of Unsecured Convertible Redeemable Loan Notes (the 'Loan Notes')
      elected to convert the following number of Loan Notes into new ordinary shares
      in the share capital of the Company at a price of 5p per ordinary share.

      Registered Holder Number of Loan Principal Amount Number of ordinary shares (following
      Notes conversion of the Loan Notes)

      City Equities 20 £200,000 4,000,000
      (Nominees) Limited
      Terence Arthur Cross 2 £20,000 400,000
      and Jean Cross

      On the same date, City Equities (Nominees) Limited exercised the following
      number of warrants to subscribe for ordinary shares in the company at a price of
      5p per share (the 'Warrants'):

      Registered Holder Number of Warrants Principal Amount Number of ordinary shares (following
      exercise of the Warrants)

      City Equities 4,000,000 £200,000 4,000,000
      (Nominees) Limited

      Application will be made for the ordinary shares created pursuant to both the
      conversion of the Loan Notes and the exercise of the Warrants (the 'New Ordinary
      Shares') to be admitted to trading on AIM. Admission is expected to take place
      on 3 May 2006.

      The total number of issued ordinary shares in the Company, including the New
      Ordinary Shares, will be 112,161,717 ordinary shares.

      For further information contact:

      Christian Schaffalitzky, Eurasia Mining plc Tel: +44 (0) 20 7976 1222

      David Youngman, W.H. Ireland Ltd. Tel: +44 (0) 161 832 6644

      This information is provided by RNS
      The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

      schrieb am 26.04.06 20:59:07
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Eurasia Mining PLC - Alliance with AngloGold

      RNS Number:1524L
      Eurasia Mining PLC
      18 April 2005

      Eurasia Mining plc ('Eurasia' or 'The Company') has agreed to an exploration
      alliance with AngloGold Ashanti, the world's number two gold producer. It coversgold and related mineral exploration and possible development projects in
      eastern Siberia.

      Eurasia Managing Director Christian Schaffalitzky said: 'This is a milestone
      agreement that combines our exploration management skills in the region with
      AngloGold Ashanti's resources and carries us into early stage projects that
      would otherwise be beyond our reach financially. We look forward to early

      The new agreement gives AngloGold Ashanti the exclusive right to participate in
      early stage projects proposed by Eurasia, which has been appraising potential
      prospects for about 18 months in conjunction with local companies and government
      agencies. Work has now reached the stage where Eurasia is ready to move forward.

      AngloGold Ashanti will pay an entry fee of $100,000 in recognition of Eurasia's
      past costs, and fund the first $2 million of exploration spending. Subsequent
      spending will be shared equally.

      AngloGold Ashanti will also have the right to purchase an additional 25% share
      from Eurasia following completion of any bankable feasibility study, when it can
      also take over as operator.

      Richard Duffy, Executive Officer Business Development for AngloGold Ashanti,
      comments 'This move is consistent with our strategy of investing in this
      prospective gold region through collaboration with companies with sound local
      experience, and confirms our confidence in the long-term future of the Russian
      gold mining industry. We are very pleased to be associated with Eurasia Mining
      as part of this strategy.'

      For further information contact:
      schrieb am 26.04.06 21:21:41
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      sie haben aber auch aussichtsreiche Goldprojekte in der Pipeline

      Östliche Rußland Erforschungbündnis Schlüsseltatsachen, die Eurasia neues Erforschungbündnis 2005 mit AngloGold begrenztes Ashanti, größte minenfirma der Welt an zweiter Stelle GoldangloGold Ashanti, um erstes $2m der Erforschungaufwendung Eurasia zu finanzieren herstellt, handhaben Programme, um Durchführbarkeitsphase zu projizieren Eurasia hat auf der Schätzung der vorgerückten Golderforschungziele und der möglichen Entwicklung Gelegenheiten in Ostrußland für die letzten zwei Jahre gearbeitet. Das neue Erforschungbündnis, das mit AngloGold Ashanti gebildet wird (' AGA ') stellt eine Anerkennung der festen Arbeit dar, die während dieser Zeit aufgenommen wird und wird Landerfahrung und -erforschungmanagementfähigkeiten Eurasias mit Betriebsmitteln und vorgerückter technischer Fähigkeit AGAs kombinieren. Unter den Bezeichnungen des Bündnisses zahlt AGA eine Eintragung Gebühr von $100.000 und finanziert das erste $2m der Erforschungaufwendung, um ein 50% Interesse an den Goldprojektgelegenheiten zu erwerben, die bis jetzt resultierend aus Arbeit Eurasias in der Region gekennzeichnet werden. Folgende Ausgabe wird gleichmäßig zwischen den Partnern geteilt. Eurasia handhat das Programm bis zum Durchführbarkeitsanalysestadium auf jedem einzelnen Projekt. Das östliche Rußland geologische Klima, besonders in der Nähe des Durchschnitts Seitenränder der tectonic Platte des Sibiriers und Mongolia/China, stellt ein von ausgestattet gut dar, dennoch erforschte Miete systematisch Regionen der Welt für harte Felsengoldablagerungen. Historische Produktion in der Region wurde durch Seifenerzbergbau des alluvial Goldes beherrscht. Seit dem mittleren 20. Jahrhundert sind eine Anzahl von großen harten Felsenablagerungen erforscht worden und entwickelt worden. Gesamtbetriebsmittel in diesen Ablagerungen, einschließlich vorhergehende Produktion und bekannte Reserven, steht gut über 65 Million Unzen oder 2.000 Tonnen Gold. Eurasia/AGA hat vor kurzem eine Erforschungunterseite in Ostrußland hergestellt und wird diese neue Unterseite, um seine Anwesenheit zu verstärken verwenden und die Kennzeichnung, die Schätzung und den Erwerb der Goldprojekte diesbezüglich zu beschleunigen außergewöhnlich gut-ausgestattete Region. Sichern Sie © Eurasia 2006 Urheberrecht, das Plc. Home Aufstellungsortdiagramm Verzicht-privacy policy gewinnt

      65 MIO Unzen Potential:eek::eek:
      schrieb am 28.04.06 22:47:25
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.299.143 von hainholz am 24.04.06 17:30:38Eurasia Mining, which is explores for platinum and nickel in Russia and is listed on London's Alternative Investment Market, on Friday said it had secured an exclusive option to acquire three licenses to explore for platinum on the Kola Peninsula in north-west Russia.

      This is an area where Norilsk Nickel is actively mining and exploring for nickel and platinum.

      Eurasia said early exploration results indicated the presence of potentially commercial grades of platinum group metals. The exercise of the option calls is expected to cost Eurasia a payment of $3-mil plus 10-mil Eurasia shares, after which intends to start a drilling programme when the licenses are transferred this summer.

      "This new agreement gives us exploration rights in an area geologically very similar to platinum producing provinces elsewhere, including the Bushveld in South Africa. We are extremely encouraged by high grade results from earlier drill cores and surface sampling," said Eurasia's CEO Christian Schaffalitzky.
      schrieb am 29.04.06 13:02:29
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Ein unbedeutender Nachbar von Eurasia:laugh:

      The Norilsk mining centre lies in the Russian High Arctic, about 2800km north east of Moscopgw. The world's leading nickel and palladium producer, and a significant supplier of copper, the operations support a community of some 300,000. Direct employment is around 80,000, with plans to halve this within ten years.

      The Norilsk deposits were discovered during the 1920s, with nickel production starting during the Second World War. Underground mining began in the 1950s. The operating company was privatised by the Russian government in 1995, and is now controlled by Unexim Bank. The company also controls the Severonkel and Perchenganikel nickel mines on the Kola Peninsula, south of Murmansk, and has significant investment holdings in Stillwater Mining Co., operator of the Stillwater platinum mine in the USA, and in the South African gold producer, Gold Fields Ltd.


      The copper-nickel-Platinum Group Metal (PGM) deposits at Norilsk lie at a depth of between 500m and 1500m beneath a series of flood basalts and sediments. The massive sulphide orebodies are hosted within the Talnakh intrusive complex. Ores can be high-nickel or high-copper in grade, some of the direct-smelting copper ores containing up to 32% copper. PGMs include platinum, palladium and rhodium. Reserves are reportedly sufficient to support 50 years' output at current rates.


      Norilsk uses a sub-level caving mining method, the completed stopes then being backfilled for support. Stopes are mined 120m long, 8m wide and 10m thick using mechanised drilling and ore loading equipment that has predominantly been supplied by Atlas Copco. The company had sold approaching 400 units, including drilling jumbos, load-haul-dump machines and raise borers, by early 2001. Other suppliers include Boart Longyear (drilling equipment) and Putzmeister (backfill pumps).

      Output is obtained from five underground mines, the principal currently being the Oktyabrskiy, Komsomolskiy and Taymirskiy units, which account for about 60%, 15% and 10% of annual Russian PGM production respectively. Oktyabrskiy produces about 70% of the operation's copper and 55% of its nickel.

      The Skalistiy mine came on stream in the late 1990s at a cost of some $600 million, and Glubokiy mine is now under development – these two units alone have reserves of some 70Mt of ore. Norilsk Nickel also operates the Kayerkanskiy opencast coal mine, some 30km from the city, to supply power station fuel; the operation uses two Liebherr R992 hydraulic excavators and a fleet of Belaz 40t and 70t-capacity haul trucks.


      Norilsk Nickel's Siberian operations include two ore concentrators, capable of treating 11Mt/y of ore, and three smelters with a combined capacity of 350,000t of copper and 160,000t of nickel. Sulphide ores are first pre-concentrated using heavy-medium separation, then treated by flotation to recover copper and nickel concentrates for smelter feed. Capacity at the Nadezhda metallurgical complex, which uses Outokumpu flash smelting technology is being increased, while the Medny copper smelter is also being upgraded to 400,000t/y. PGM concentrates are refined at the Krasnoyarsk metallurgical complex and at the Prioksky plant near Moscow.


      Between its various operations, Norilsk accounts for about 90% of Russia's nickel, 55% of its copper and virtually all of its PGMs. Only recently has the company begun to publish official figures for its output of nickel and copper, with the possibility that it may begin to release platinum-group metal production figures some time in 2005. Over 90% of its sales are to foreign customers.

      The complex achieved its maximum output of around 250,000t of nickel in 1989. For 2004, it reported the production of 243,000t of nickel and 447,000t of copper, with a similar output predicted for 2005. Estimates of its PGM production during 2004 were 853,000oz of platinum and 2.73Moz of palladium
      schrieb am 30.04.06 12:21:46
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()

      auf dem Weg dorthin ??
      schrieb am 30.04.06 19:40:36
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.380.269 von hainholz am 30.04.06 12:21:46Babel Fish-Übersetzung Hilfe

      Auf deutsch:
      Urals Entdeckung lädt Eurasia Firmen auf: Eua 21/04/2006 Bombardierter-heraus Eurasia Bergbau hat Börsenspekulanten mit einer neuen Platinentdeckung in der zentralen Region Urals Rußlands zugejubelt. Die Firma sagt, daß sie eine ' reine alluvial Platinablagerung ' am Tylai Fluß in seinem Westkytlim Lizenzbereich gefunden hat. Dieses hat geschäftsführenden Geschäftsführer christliches Schaffalitsky angeregt vorzuschlagen, daß es Teil Projektes ', das 15.000 Unze Platin ein Jahr produzieren könnte ', des Wertes herum £10 Million ein Jahr vor Kapital und der Extraktionkosten darstellt. Entsprechend Eurasia resultiert Ausgangsbohrgerät über dem Tylai Fluss-Terrassedurchschnitt 335 Milligramme Platingruppe Metalle pro Kubikmeßinstrument. Die Firma sagt, daß die Resultate ' mit Erforschungmodell Eurasias ' gleichbleibend sind, das dieses Ziel gekennzeichnet hat, wie, habend ', Gesamtpotential von 5.1 Million Kubikmeßinstrumenten, mit einem zweitem, von ungetestetem Ziel schätzte, auf der Nordseite des Tylai Flusses erforscht zu werden. Wenn alles geht, wie gehofft, sagt Schaffalitsky, daß das Projekt Bargeldumlauf, folgendes Jahr zu erzeugen beginnen könnte. Eine Sekunde, bis jetzt ungetestet, Ziel bleibt, auf der Nordseite des Tylai Flusses erforscht zu werden. 1996 an 310p einen Anteil geschwommen worden, hat Eurasia bisher einen verhängnisvollen Marktausführenden geprüft und gestürzt zu einem bloßen 3.12p letzter Januar. Die Westkytlim Entdeckung hat die Anteile von 3.75p zu 8.5p heute angehoben, wo sie etwas spekulatives Wiederaufnahme Potential haben. Des Mannschaftangebots des Wachstumsgesellschaft-Investors award-winning Leistung Empfehlung der nicht amortisierten Aktie. Erhalten Sie sofortig Zugang zu allen diesen Empfehlungen - klicken Sie hier.
      schrieb am 30.04.06 23:47:03
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Posted: 2006-04-28 23:58

      Jim Rogers’ crystal ball


      Presenter: Lindsay Williams Guest(s): Jim Rogers

      Jim Rogers shoots to prominence as co-founder of Quantum with US multi-billionaire George Soros. The international best-selling author more recently achieves investment cult status with prophetic views on commodities

      LINDSAY WILLIAMS: Jim Rogers has been on Classic Business Day a few times, and his preference for commodities has proved spectacularly correct - maybe more correct than even Jim thought! Jim, as I said in my introduction, commodities continue moving up, but it seems to be gathering momentum - have these moves surprised you at all?

      JIM ROGERS: Not in general terms - it has more than tripled in the last seven-and-a-half years. As you may remember I started a commodities index fund on 1 August 1998 - it’s up maybe 250% since then, which is a pretty hefty move - but it’s seven-and-a-half-years. In the end - as with all bull markets - when we get to the end in five, 10 or 15 years it’s going to startle everybody, including me, and I’m the bull. But that’s the way bull markets are - who would’ve thought that the Nasdaq would have gone up 10 times, who would’ve thought that Cisco would’ve gone up 100 times in the stock bull market - but that’s what happens in bull markets.

      LINDSAY WILLIAMS: The bull market in oil has continued to surprise people it got very close to $75 a barrel the other day, maybe we could start with that - has it still got legs?

      JIM ROGERS: Sure, and how. There may well be some setbacks - there should be - but adjust it for inflation and oil should be over $100 a barrel, and it’s going to go there because nobody’s discovered any giant oil fields in over 35 years. We just don’t have any oil - maybe there’s a lot of oil out there, but nobody knows where it is - so until somebody comes up with a lot of new supply of everything, the prices are going to be amazing.

      LINDSAY WILLIAMS: Talking about inflation-adjusted prices - somebody suggested that the gold price should be over $2,000 an ounce. It’s currently around $650 - do you think there’s any chance we could get anywhere near that number?

      JIM ROGERS: There’s no question that in every bull market, and in any asset class throughout history - in the end nearly everything makes a new all-time high. Gold’s old all-time high was $875 - unadjusted for inflation - so we’re certainly going to go to $900 or $1,000 and that’s in the cards. I’m we will get to $2,000 on an adjusted basis, but not this year or next year, but certainly in the next 10 years everything is going to go to astonishing levels. By the way, I’m probably less bullish on gold than I am on most things - but most mines are depleting, and every other kind of mine - so there are problems brewing in all raw materials.

      LINDSAY WILLIAMS: When you say that you’re not as bullish on gold as others, that’s all relative - what would be your chosen commodity if it’s not gold?

      JIM ROGERS: I’m not smart enough to tell you which is the best one right now - I can tell you if I were looking for new opportunities, it would be looking in the agricultural area. Those are the places where they haven’t moved up nearly as much on a historic basis, and where there are positive fundamental changes taking place - so that’s where I would be looking.

      LINDSAY WILLIAMS: Sugar has done very well indeed -we spoke about that about six months ago. It has gone to about 18 US cents per pound from its low not that long ago of 2.5 US cents a pound. The corn market seems to have gone completely flat - maize as we call it in South Africa - is that one you’d pick?

      JIM ROGERS: Yes, I would definitely be looking at maize - there’s no question about that, especially given that the US is about the throw huge amounts of money at maize to turn it into ethanol. It’s absurd - because it’s uneconomic, and it’s just a huge subsidy to buy some votes from the Republicans - but who cares? They’re going to throw the money whether I like it or not - so certainly there’s going to be great opportunities in maize.

      LINDSAY WILLIAMS: Apart from the fundamentals that I know you’ve been very keen on - the Chinese economy, and the Indian economy - there other things out there as well. The last few days has seen a tumble in the US dollar, also we’ve seen political considerations start to raise their head again with the Iran nuclear stand-off - are those things you watch very carefully?

      JIM ROGERS: I try to watch everything very carefully - if you’re going to be an investor you’d better watch everything very carefully, and even then you’re probably going to make mistakes, I certainly do. Yes, geopolitical considerations are major - whether we like or not the oil is in the Middle East, and that’s where there are potential problems - but there are also potential problems in other oil countries. Equally important is that all the oil fields in the world are in decline because there haven’t been any gigantic discoveries in over 35 years.

      LINDSAY WILLIAMS: Yes, and statistics from the US government says there were 11,000 terror attacks last year - 14,600 people dying, more than 30 a day - and that doesn’t look as though it’s going to get any better. What’s the general feeling from the American public about the situation with Iran? Do you think that Donald Rumsfeld and US president Bush might actually do something about this situation?

      JIM ROGERS: I would be dumbfounded, amazed if they did - because it would be such a foolhardy thing to do - but these guys have proven themselves very capable of doing foolhardy things, so I would not put it past them. It would be a major disaster for the world, for the rand, for the US - for all of us - but that doesn’t mean these guys won’t do it, because they really believe that they’ve got the message and nobody else does.

      LINDSAY WILLIAMS: One thing that seems to surprise people over here is the resilience of the US stock market - we’ve seen a little bit of a crack today with Microsoft coming down, but even then the major indices all hovering near multi-year highs - what’s your view on US equities?

      JIM ROGERS: First, let me just point out that the last couple of years they’ve been flat. They were very good in 2003 but in 2004 and 2005 they were essentially flat - they were up a bit this year, but over the past two-and-a-half years they were not up very much. Maybe some are, but the general averages are not. I expect a US general recession sometime later this year - or certainly within a year - and you’re going to see bad things happening in the stock market as result. I would not be buying US stocks…

      LINDSAY WILLIAMS: So we stick with commodities?

      JIM ROGERS: Yes, if you got to own something - and I guess we all do - one of the things that you should consider owning is commodities, especially agricultural commodities. If there is a recession commodities may go down, but they’ll go down less than everything else - and they will be the first thing to start rising again, just as they have in the past seven-and-a-half years.

      schrieb am 02.05.06 20:46:54
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.386.861 von hainholz am 30.04.06 23:47:03und schon wieder Big News

      lse announcements - news story
      The information on this page is updated via a feed from the London Stock Exchange's Regulatory News Service.
      Eurasia Mining PLC - Kola exploration starts

      RNS Number:2344C
      Eurasia Mining PLC
      02 May 2006

      Two million dollar programme begins with drilling on Kola platinum project

      2 May 2006: AiM-quoted Eurasia Mining (EUA) has started a US $2 million
      exploration programme on its recently-acquired Kola Peninsula platinum projects
      in northwest Russia.

      Drilling is underway on one of the company's three Kola licence areas, West
      Imandra, where Eurasia plans an initial 10-12 drill hole campaign. It will focus
      on targets that have already yielded encouraging grades of over 1 gram per tonne
      of platinum group metals (g/t PGM) at the surface, on a zone extending for at
      least 7 km and potentially 20 km based on regional geology.

      Anglo Platinum, the world's largest platinum producer, is wholly funding the
      programme as Eurasia's joint venture partner. Under the terms of the agreement,
      a total of US $10 million expenditure from Anglo Platinum will earn them an
      initial 40% interest in the three Kola projects. This initial $2 million
      programme represents Anglo's entire budget for Kola for 2006. The programme is
      being managed by Eurasia.

      Eurasia CEO Christian Schaffalitzky said: 'We are excited about starting
      exploration in this prospective area. Although West Imandra is the least
      advanced of the three Kola projects, access conditions have allowed us an early
      start to drilling at the beginning of the field season. We look forward to
      seeing the results and extending our drilling programmes to the other two Kola
      licence areas.'

      A number of other target zones on the southeastern flank of the Yevgeny massif
      at West Imandra will also be tested in an area not previously drilled for
      platinum. Here, PGM values up to 2.9 g/t over one metre width were reported in
      previous trenching.

      Eurasia is a mineral exploration company specialising in platinum and gold
      exploration in Russia. In addition to its three licences totalling 475 square
      kilometres on the Kola Peninsula, Eurasia holds exploration interests in the
      Urals where the company recently announced a new discovery. Both projects are
      subject to joint ventures with Anglo Platinum. The company also has an
      exploration alliance funded by AngloGold Ashanti concerning gold exploration in
      eastern Siberia.

      Further details will be published at

      For further information contact:

      Christian Schaffalitzky / Michael Martineau, Eurasia Mining Plc:
      +44 (0) 20 7495 4877

      Laurie Beevers, W H Ireland:
      +44 (0) 7903 164 004

      Sarah Samworth, First City Financial Public Relations:
      +44 (0) 20 7436 7486
      +44 (0) 7977 276 023

      This information is provided by RNS
      The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


      wann wird man endlich hellhörig????
      schrieb am 02.05.06 21:46:16
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      z.Zt.wieder unter Pari gegenüber London:lick:
      schrieb am 02.05.06 22:37:04
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.299.143 von hainholz am 24.04.06 17:30:38die Resourcen sind phantastisch,sonst würde Anglo Platinum nicht derart investiert sein:eek:
      schrieb am 05.05.06 21:39:33
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.410.432 von hainholz am 02.05.06 22:37:04Eurasia Mining and Anglo Platinum Move Ahead With Russian JV

      By Rusmininfo
      03 May 2006 at 07:56 AM EDT

      MOSCOW ( -- In 2006, the British company Eurasia Mining [AIM:EUA] plans to invest $2 million in the investigation of the Zapadnaya Imandra platinum deposit in the Kolskiy peninsula.

      The future investor in this project will also be Anglo Platinum [JSE:ANANP], on the condition of it receiving of 40% in the deposits. The cost of the program is estimated at $10 million.

      Let's remember, that at the beginning of February, 2006 Eurasia acquired licenses for the development of the deposits of Volchetundra, Monchetundra and Zapadnaya Imandra. The company paid $1.5 million for them as well as transferring 10 million shares to Audley Investments Ltd., the proprietor of the licenses.

      On the whole, Eurasia should bring 80% of the received deposits to its joint venture with Rustenburg Platinum Mines (a subsidiary of Anglo Platinum).

      The Volchetundra deposit consists of two extracting sites. Platinum stocks at the first site have 4.7 grams per tonne concentration, palladium - 4.6 g/t, gold - 2 grams per ore. Stocks at the second site have an average concentration of 0.7 grams per tonne.

      The platinum and palladium stocks at the Monchetundra deposit range from 3.58 grams per tonne to 38.78 g/t depending on the layers thickness.

      The size of the Zapadnaya Imandra deposit is around 229 square kilometres. The platinum stocks at this site are estimated at 1 g/t of ore.

      Eurasia Mining also has three joint enterprises in the Ural Mountains: Boronskoe that owns the license for the Boronskoe platinum deposit, Ural geological service that owns the license for the Vissimskaya site and Khromit that has the license for the Denegkin kamen platinum deposit.

      Also, Eurasia Mining Service, an affiliate of Eurasia Mining, owns the license for Denezhkin kamen in the Sverdlovsk region.

      Copyright ) 2006. Translated by Roman Karimov. Russian language source

      Rusmininfo is a news gathering company based in Siberia, Russia which gathers, translates and distributes news on the minerals, mining and metals industry in Russian and the Former Soviet Republics.

      < Back Respond to this
      schrieb am 06.05.06 01:04:58
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.299.143 von hainholz am 24.04.06 17:30:38

      hier geht was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      schrieb am 07.05.06 00:17:56
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.299.143 von hainholz am 24.04.06 17:30:38…

      in Führung :)
      schrieb am 07.05.06 22:44:59
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Urals find boosts Eurasia
      Companies: EUA

      Bombed-out Eurasia Mining has cheered punters with a new platinum discovery in Russia's Central Urals region.

      The company says it has found a 'virgin alluvial platinum deposit' at the Tylai River in its West Kytlim licence area. This has encouraged managing director Christian Schaffalitsky to suggest it forms part of a project 'which could produce 15,000 oz of platinum a year', worth around £10 million a year before capital and extraction costs.

      According to Eurasia, initial drill results across the Tylai River terraces average 335 milligrammes of platinum group metals per cubic metre. The company says the results are 'consistent with Eurasia's exploration model', which has identified this target as having an 'estimated total potential of 5.1 million cubic metres', with a second, untested target to be explored on the north side of the Tylai River.

      If all goes as hoped, Schaffalitsky says the project could start generating cash flow next year. A second, as yet untested, target remains to be explored on the north side of the Tylai River.

      Floated in 1996 at 310p a share, Eurasia has hitherto proved a catastrophic market performer, slumping to a mere 3.12p last January. The West Kytlim find has lifted the shares from 3.75p to 8.5p today, where they have some speculative recovery potential.
      schrieb am 08.05.06 18:05:04
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Heut wieder auffi in London;)
      schrieb am 08.05.06 19:22:22
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Key facts
      Ground secured on major new PGM exploration province
      Preliminary exclusive agreement on three licence areas totaling 450km2
      High grade results from early trenching and drilling
      Excellent infrastructure in the region - road, rail, power

      In Northwest Russia, three new PGM projects were identified during 2003 on the Kola Peninsula and form part of an agreement being finalised for their exploration and later development. This agreement marks a very significant step forward for our Company. Eurasia believes that the region, where some important new discoveries have been made over the past three years, could become an important PGM producer over the coming decade.

      The target is for PGM mineralization in a major group of ultramafic and mafic intrusive rocks that occur in several areas within the Kola region. Similar intrusions are the main geological host for PGM mineralization worldwide, including the Norilsk Complex of Russia. The areas examined by Eurasia and selected for exploration work comprise at least three large intrusions. The Kola region has a long history of mining and metal refining, principally of nickel and copper with PGM as by-product, but PGM exploration has only been carried out in recent years.

      At Volchetundra, new trenching work has identified ore grades of 0.7 grams per tonne (g/t) of platinum group metals (PGMs) over a thickness of 10 metres and 4.7g/t of platinum, 4.6g/t of palladium and 2g/t of gold over a thickness of 2.6 metres. The area covers a major intrusion with a strike length of 40 kilometres.

      The 229 square-km West Imandra licence covers a large intrusion hosting important layered units of chromitite towards the base and magnetite with anorthosite towards the top, often associated with PGM mineralization. A drill hole on a chromitite unit has assayed platinum at 1g/t. A recent trench on anorthosite below the magnetite layers gave 2.94g/t of PGMs over 1 metre-thick zone.

      Government administrative changes and a large backlog in the licensing procedures have delayed completion of the final agreement, which will include a third licence area which has more advanced exploration work including drilling. Eurasia is seeking to put in place all the licences and completing a detailed commercial agreement before commencing full scale exploration.

      Copyright © 2006 Eurasia Mining Plc. Home Site map Disclaimer Privacy policy Accessibility
      schrieb am 08.05.06 19:54:48
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Eastern Russia exploration alliance
      Key facts
      Eurasia establishes new exploration alliance in 2005 with AngloGold Ashanti Limited, world's second largest gold mining company
      AngloGold Ashanti to fund first $2m of exploration expenditure
      Eurasia will manage programmes to project feasibility stage

      Eurasia has been working on the appraisal of advanced gold exploration targets and potential development opportunities in eastern Russia for the past two years. The new exploration alliance formed with AngloGold Ashanti ('AGA') represents a recognition of the solid work undertaken during that time and will combine Eurasia's country experience and exploration management skills with AGA's resources and advanced technical capability.

      Under the terms of the alliance AGA will pay an entry fee of $100,000 and will fund the first $2m of exploration expenditure to earn a 50% interest in gold project opportunities identified as a result of Eurasia's work to date in the region. Subsequent spending will be shared equally between the partners. Eurasia will manage the programme up to feasibility study stage on any individual project.

      The Eastern Russia geological environment, particularly in the vicinity of the intersection of the Siberian and Mongolia/China tectonic plate margins, represents one of the best endowed, yet lease systematically explored regions of the world for hard rock gold deposits. Historic production in the region was dominated by placer mining of alluvial gold. Since the mid 20th Century a number of large hard rock deposits have been explored and developed. Total resources in these deposits, including previous production and known reserves, stands well in excess of 65 million ounces, or 2,000 tonnes of gold.
      Eurasia/AGA has recently established an exploration base in eastern Russia and will utilise this new base to strengthen its' presence and to expedite the identification, appraisal and acquisition of gold projects in this exceptionally well-endowed region.
      schrieb am 08.05.06 21:22:58
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Eurasia Mining and Anglo Platinum Move Ahead With Russian JV By Rusmininfo
      03 May 2006 at 07:56 AM EDT

      MOSCOW ( -- In 2006, the British company Eurasia Mining [AIM:EUA] plans to invest $2 million in the investigation of the Zapadnaya Imandra platinum deposit in the Kolskiy peninsula.

      The future investor in this project will also be Anglo Platinum [JSE:ANANP], on the condition of it receiving of 40% in the deposits. The cost of the program is estimated at $10 million.

      Let's remember, that at the beginning of February, 2006 Eurasia acquired licenses for the development of the deposits of Volchetundra, Monchetundra and Zapadnaya Imandra. The company paid $1.5 million for them as well as transferring 10 million shares to Audley Investments Ltd., the proprietor of the licenses.

      On the whole, Eurasia should bring 80% of the received deposits to its joint venture with Rustenburg Platinum Mines (a subsidiary of Anglo Platinum).

      The Volchetundra deposit consists of two extracting sites. Platinum stocks at the first site have 4.7 grams per tonne concentration, palladium - 4.6 g/t, gold - 2 grams per ore. Stocks at the second site have an average concentration of 0.7 grams per tonne.

      The platinum and palladium stocks at the Monchetundra deposit range from 3.58 grams per tonne to 38.78 g/t depending on the layers thickness.

      The size of the Zapadnaya Imandra deposit is around 229 square kilometres. The platinum stocks at this site are estimated at 1 g/t of ore.

      Eurasia Mining also has three joint enterprises in the Ural Mountains: Boronskoe that owns the license for the Boronskoe platinum deposit, Ural geological service that owns the license for the Vissimskaya site and Khromit that has the license for the Denegkin kamen platinum deposit.

      Also, Eurasia Mining Service, an affiliate of Eurasia Mining, owns the license for Denezhkin kamen in the Sverdlovsk region.

      Copyright ) 2006
      schrieb am 08.05.06 21:46:59
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Wenn alles geht, wie gehofft, sagt Schaffalitsky, daß das Projekt Bargeldumlauf, folgendes Jahr zu erzeugen beginnen könnte. Eine Sekunde, bis jetzt ungetestet, Ziel bleibt, auf der Nordseite des Tylai Flusses erforscht zu werden. 1996 an 310p einen Anteil geschwommen worden, hat Eurasia bisher einen verhängnisvollen Marktausführenden geprüft und gestürzt zu einem bloßen 3.12p letzter Januar. Die Westkytlim Entdeckung hat die Anteile von 3.75p zu 8.5p heute angehoben
      schrieb am 09.05.06 16:25:01
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.481.231 von hainholz am 08.05.06 21:46:59

      schrieb am 10.05.06 14:44:49
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.491.335 von hainholz am 09.05.06 16:25:01Man möge sich vorstellen,vor 10 Jahren bei 310 Pence
      jetzt mal gerade 8,5 Pence und dsa bei inzwischen wieder sehr guten Aussichten.
      schrieb am 12.05.06 22:52:33
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.299.143 von hainholz am 24.04.06 17:30:38Hat doch heut mal wieder einer welche geordert!!

      recht so,der hat Weitblick
      schrieb am 14.05.06 17:26:54
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.544.794 von hainholz am 12.05.06 22:52:33auf jedenfall ist die Bewertung bei den Ressourcen ein Witz und wird sich sehr bald ändern:lick:
      schrieb am 14.05.06 22:13:31
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Christian Schaffalitzky (MD)

      Eurasia Mining plc is a precious metals exploration and development company working in the former Soviet Union, mainly in Russia. The company is working on one project close to mining and four others at various stages of exploration. In the Urals, Eurasia is proving up an alluvial platinum project where production is expected to start in 2007, assuming the necessary permits are obtained. In the Kola peninsula, the company is working on three bedrock platinum targets in layered ultramafic complexes. Both areas are being explored in joint venture with Anglo Platinum who currently fund all exploration. A gold exploration programme is co-funded by AngloGold Ashanti in Eastern Siberia
      schrieb am 17.05.06 15:30:31
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.581.447 von hainholz am 14.05.06 22:13:31Schnappi,schnapp Kurs z.zt;)
      schrieb am 18.05.06 20:42:35
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      schrieb am 18.05.06 20:48:35
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Goldproduzent will fremdgehen
      Gold alleine reicht Gold Fields anscheinend nicht mehr. Das extrem profitable Unternehmen hat einen neuen aussichtsreichen Rohstoff im Visier.

      Die Experten von Der Aktionärsbrief empfehlen die Aktie von Gold Fields (WKN 856777) zum Kauf. Der weltweit viertgrößte Goldproduzent hat seine Goldproduktion in den vergangenen Jahren wenig gehedgt, das bedeutet nicht zu vorher festgelegten Preisen verkauft. Deshalb profitiert das Unternehmen besonders stark von der Goldrallye: Im vergangenen Quartal stieg der Gewinn im Jahresvergleich so um 84 Prozent auf 483 Millionen Südafrikanische Rand. Vorstandsvorsitzender Ian Cockerill prognostizierte weitere Gewinnsteigerungen auf hohem Niveau. Dazu will Cockerill in das Platin-Geschäft expandieren. Platin bietet ausgezeichnete Voraussetzungen, um weiterhin enorme Steigerungsraten zu liefern. Derzeit halte Gold Fields nach interessanten Minen Ausschau, die sich als Übernahmeobjekt eignen.
      schrieb am 23.05.06 18:25:35
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.650.360 von hainholz am 18.05.06 20:48:35wer etwas für die Rente tun möchte,sollte sich hiervon ein paar K ins Depot legen zu dem Preis;);)
      schrieb am 26.05.06 13:49:17
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.762.782 von hainholz am 23.05.06 18:25:35ein schlafender Riese;)
      schrieb am 28.05.06 15:39:05
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      The world's largest platinum producer Anglo Platinum is to provide funding for mining exploration in Russia.

      Exploration cost funding of $2 million will be handed to London-listed firm Eurasia Mining, as it attempts to develop three deposits of platinum in the Kola peninsula, north-west Russia.

      That is just one part of a $10 million deal that will see Anglo earn 40 per cent interest on the three sites.

      "Most of the platinum in the world comes from two places: the Bushveld (in South Africa), which dominates the industry, and Norilsk, where it's a by-product from a base metal operation," Christian Schaffalitzky, the managing director of Eurasia, told Reuters.

      "Outside of those two areas, identified projects that look attractive for platinum are fairly thin on the ground. We believe that in our Kola projects, we've got three very good ones."

      Eurasia will also start mining another deposit located in the Ural mountains in the summer of 2007.
      schrieb am 28.05.06 15:56:13
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.299.143 von hainholz am 24.04.06 17:30:38…

      das haut hin:cool:
      schrieb am 28.05.06 16:55:42
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Platinum prospector Eurasia Mining has raised £700,000 to complete funding its participation in three projects in north-west Russia.

      AIM-quoted Eurasia, headed by Irish-accented Christian Schaffalitsky, has raised the money with the help of its new adviser Loeb Aron in the form of unsecured convertible redeemable loan notes at £10,000 each. Management and staff have bought £220,000-worth of the notes.

      Eurasia, which has had a dismal previous AIM history, recently agreed to buy three platinum projects on the Kola Peninsula in Murmansk Oblast. The deal involves a joint venture with the much larger Anglo Platinum group with a contribution from Eurasia of ten million shares and the equivalent of £880,000 cash.

      At 4.88p, Eurasia shares have some recovery potential

      adviser Loeb Aron ist auch dabei

      den kennen wir aus den Anfangszeiten von Tournigan Gold
      schrieb am 28.05.06 22:01:57
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.299.143 von hainholz am 24.04.06 17:30:38

      so kann es kommen,wenn man hier einsteigt
      schrieb am 28.05.06 22:06:20
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.853.469 von hainholz am 28.05.06 22:01:57

      na so eben
      schrieb am 29.05.06 18:23:10
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.853.493 von hainholz am 28.05.06 22:06:20hat denn hier nicht mal einer ne Meinung:confused:
      schrieb am 02.06.06 20:53:43
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()

      hier geht es bald los
      schrieb am 02.06.06 21:20:44
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      schrieb am 03.06.06 21:51:08
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Key facts
      Ground secured on major new PGM exploration province
      Preliminary exclusive agreement on three licence areas totaling 450km2
      High grade results from early trenching and drilling
      Excellent infrastructure in the region - road, rail, power

      In Northwest Russia, three new PGM projects were identified during 2003 on the Kola Peninsula and form part of an agreement being finalised for their exploration and later development. This agreement marks a very significant step forward for our Company. Eurasia believes that the region, where some important new discoveries have been made over the past three years, could become an important PGM producer over the coming decade.

      The target is for PGM mineralization in a major group of ultramafic and mafic intrusive rocks that occur in several areas within the Kola region. Similar intrusions are the main geological host for PGM mineralization worldwide, including the Norilsk Complex of Russia. The areas examined by Eurasia and selected for exploration work comprise at least three large intrusions. The Kola region has a long history of mining and metal refining, principally of nickel and copper with PGM as by-product, but PGM exploration has only been carried out in recent years.

      At Volchetundra, new trenching work has identified ore grades of 0.7 grams per tonne (g/t) of platinum group metals (PGMs) over a thickness of 10 metres and 4.7g/t of platinum, 4.6g/t of palladium and 2g/t of gold over a thickness of 2.6 metres. The area covers a major intrusion with a strike length of 40 kilometres.

      The 229 square-km West Imandra licence covers a large intrusion hosting important layered units of chromitite towards the base and magnetite with anorthosite towards the top, often associated with PGM mineralization. A drill hole on a chromitite unit has assayed platinum at 1g/t. A recent trench on anorthosite below the magnetite layers gave 2.94g/t of PGMs over 1 metre-thick zone.

      Government administrative changes and a large backlog in the licensing procedures have delayed completion of the final agreement, which will include a third licence area which has more advanced exploration work including drilling. Eurasia is seeking to put in place all the licences and completing a detailed commercial agreement before commencing full scale exploration.
      schrieb am 03.06.06 22:43:35
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Eurasia Mining PLC
      30 September 2005

      Eurasia Mining PLC

      Interim Report 2005
      Interim Statement

      • Drilling commences at West Kytlim
      • AngloGold Ashanti Strategic Alliance initiated
      • New Project areas identified

      The first six months of 2005 have seen the first fruits of our re-orientation of
      the Company. We have an exciting new joint venture with AngloGold Ashanti in
      gold exploration based on our groundwork over the past eighteen months with
      several specific prospects under joint investigation and negotiation. We have
      continued to work with Anglo Platinum on our Urals platinum group metals (PGM)
      joint venture and expect to report encouraging results from the initial work on
      West Kytlim shortly. In addition we have expended a lot of effort in developing
      a number of new projects of which shareholders will hear in the coming quarters.

      The Urals (PGM)

      The administrative delays that had held up our work for two years at West Kytlim
      were resolved during the summer and field work commenced immediately. In this
      project we are operating in conjunction with a Russian partner who is currently
      producing platinum by means of dredging on another project nearby. Drilling is
      underway as part of our feasibility study on the first of three target areas and
      will continue through the winter. Together the targets are for a large potential
      alluvial platinum resource, based on early results from the area. The target
      areas comprise river terraces potentially containing un-mined platinum-bearing
      sediments, as well as the 'tailings' of earlier mining operations that can be
      reworked to recover residual platinum using modern processing technologies.

      There are three drainage systems with potential for economic platinum
      mineralization, two on the Tylai River and the other one on the Kosva. Previous
      results have given values of up to 500 milligrams per cubic metre (mg/m3), well
      above the 180 mg/m3 required to be economic. The first drilling programme
      commenced on the upper reaches of the Tylai and will work down the valley over
      the winter. In parallel, a bulk test sample is planned before the end of the
      field season, both to assess the platinum potential of one of the targets and to
      test the performance of a mobile concentrator rig constructed by the Eurasia
      Urals team.

      Next year the Kosva River will also form part of the feasibility study work.
      Here the target will be for economic zones of partially worked sediments as well
      as gravel terraces above the main valley which have not been worked in the past.
      Most mined river systems have been worked three or more times in the past as
      technology improved, but tailings at Kosva have only been reworked once

      The Urals has been an important source of platinum metal over the past 150
      years. The Urals was the largest producing area until the discovery of the
      Bushveld and is estimated to have produced at least 16 million ounces over this
      period. Production continues today from small producers. From EurasiaOs previous
      assessment work, West Kytlim is the last area of major potential remaining in
      the central Urals.

      The alluvial programme in the Urals forms part of the Anglo Platinum joint
      venture, in which Anglo is earning a 50% interest through funding work to
      completion of a feasibility study.

      Also in the Urals, the company has applied for a new reduced licence area to
      cover the drill defined bedrock PGM and gold discoveries at Kluevsky and
      Baronskoye. Assessment work on metallurgical and mining characteristics of
      potential near surface bulk mineable low grade resources is underway.

      East Siberia (Gold)

      On 15th April 2005 Eurasia signed a Heads of Agreement for an exploration
      alliance with AngloGold Ashanti Limited, the world's number two gold producer,
      covering gold and related mineral exploration and possible development projects
      in eastern Siberia. The alliance combines our country experience and exploration
      management skills in the region with Anglo Gold Ashanti's resources.

      The Eastern Siberian geological environment, particularly in the vicinity of the
      intersection of the Siberian and Mongolia/China tectonic plate margins
      represents one of the best endowed, yet least systematically explored regions of
      the world for hard rock gold deposits. Historic production in the region was
      dominated by placer mining of alluvial gold. Since the mid 20th Century a number
      of large hard rock deposits have been explored and developed. Total resources in
      these deposits, including previous production and known reserves, stands well in
      excess of 65 million ounces, or 2,000 tonnes of Gold.

      The new agreement gives Anglo Gold Ashanti the exclusive right to participate
      in projects proposed by Eurasia, which has been appraising potential prospects
      over a period of 18 months in conjunction with local companies and government in
      the region. Anglo Gold Ashanti will pay an entry fee in recognition of Eurasia's
      past costs, and fund the first $2 million of exploration spending. Subsequent
      spending will be shared equally.

      Our objective is to participate in the rapid advancement of a number of projects
      towards feasibility study. The exploration alliance very considerably extends
      the range and type of projects that Eurasia can gain a participation in, in this
      highly prospective but increasingly more competitive environment for gold
      project development. A number of projects are forming the core of our joint
      activities this summer and we hope to update shareholders on success in the near

      Kola (PGM)

      Eurasia is continuing its plan to acquire three exploration licences on the Kola
      Peninsula in north-west Russia, where early exploration results indicate the
      presence of potentially commercial grades of PGM. Negotiations have been
      protracted and the Company will only agree to final acquisition terms that offer
      good value for shareholders.

      New Projects

      For some time Eurasia has been working on the identification and acquisition of
      advanced projects, which will provide a boost to the capitalization of the
      company. These efforts are being made both independently and in conjunction with
      Russian partners, focused on advanced projects at or near production. The
      Company has invested considerable time and funds in the detailed evaluation of
      several projects and we believe that this work will come to fruition in the
      relatively near future. Your Board looks forward to being able to make
      announcements of new developments at the earliest opportunity.

      Michael Martineau
      schrieb am 05.06.06 09:26:47
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      hier ist noch ne Chance von Beginn an dabei zu sein;);)
      schrieb am 05.06.06 10:25:37
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.299.143 von hainholz am 24.04.06 17:30:3802 June 2006

      Platinum shares


      By Brendan Ryan

      Platinum stocks have taken a hit recently, but the fundamentals of the business do not justify the drop in the share prices and investors could be looking at a buying opportunity.

      Platinum has held up far better than gold. It hit a record US$1 335/oz on May 12, from which it had pulled back 4% to $1 276 by May 24.

      But that is only one-third of the revenue story for SA's platinum producers. The other two-thirds comes from the rand exchange rate and by-product metals these mines refine and sell.

      After four years of out performance against the US dollar, the rand is finally contributing to the resource party, with a 10% depreciation from around R6 to about R6,60 .

      On top of that is the fact that the platinum mines do not sell just platinum. That is their primary product but they also produce five other platinum group metals as by-products , of which the two most important are palladium and rhodium. They also produce a lot of copper and nickel.

      The rhodium price is going through the roof at present, rising from around $5 000/oz to $6 275/oz over the past fortnight. Palladium has come off a bit but, at around $350/oz, it's still 75% up on where it was a year ago at $200/oz.

      When all these metal revenues are combined, you come up with a "basket price" per ounce of platinum produced by the SA platinum mines. This basket price would combine about half an ounce of palladium and a tenth of an ounce of rhodium, plus smaller quantities of the other metals with every ounce of platinum sold.

      Henk de Hoop of Barnard Jacobs Mellet calculates the current average basket price is R15 900/ platinum oz , 58% up on the basket price of R10 050/ platinum oz which ruled on January 1 this year. By comparison, the current gold price the SA mines are receiving is about R4 300/oz.

      Yet platinum company share prices have pulled back sharply, along with gold and other resource stocks, as investors have become nervous about emerging markets. All the major platinum producers are South African, which ranks as an emerging market, and have been caught up in the sell-off.

      Impala Platinum , at R1 095/share, was 23% off its high of R1 435 set on May 11. Anglo Platinum, at R587/share, was 19% down on its high of R723 reached on May 10 and Lonmin, at R302/share, was 13% down on its high of R352. Aquarius Platinum is 21% down and Northam Platinum 15% down over the same period.

      A platinum analyst who requests anonymity says: "I don't think investors have factored in the impact of the rand. The platinum mines are looking at an earnings purple patch over the next 18- 24 months. The shares look cheap on current rand basket prices, though they might initially drop further because of the current negative market sentiment."

      That, of course, raises the issue of whether the rand might strengthen again, as it has done in the past. Some forecasts see it recovering to below R6 . Says the analyst : "We don't see that happening; R6,60 still amounts to a strong rand. Even if the rand declined to between R7 and R7,50, that would still be a strong level for the currency."

      De Hoop points out that analyst valuations on platinum shares are factoring in much lower metal prices than ruling levels. He believes the sell-off in shares is unwarranted and that this is probably a buying opportunity.

      The strength of the platinum price has taken metals trading firm Johnson Matthey by surprise. Its authoritative Platinum 2006 report, released on May 15 at the start of London Platinum Week, said platinum could reach $1 250/oz "within the next six months". The price had eclipsed that by May 10, before the report was released.
      schrieb am 05.06.06 23:27:36
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      in englischen Boards geht man von 40 Pence bis Jahresende aus

      Wouldn't quite go along with your investment guru status, lol, but it's true i've been around on the boards for quite a while and because of that people have had a chance to discover whether my comments, whether correct or not are at least genuine. Interesting that article mentioned Peter Hambro and Oxus; I was banging on about those on FYB at just over the £1 and 11p respectively although at the time nobody was really interested in gold or related equities. POG performed to expectations but Oxus, due to Alexander Machkevich, Patokh Chodiev and Alijan Ibragimov having Jerooy on their wish has been a great disappointment. It's a real shame Trew caught their eye because they tend to get what they go after.

      Although the above ramblings may seem nothing to do with Eurasia mining they are in fact everything to do with the company and is why I highlighted the situation some months ago. Considering both Trew and Foo of Celtic have been turned over who can blame Eurasia management for keeping their heads down. I said at the time (… ) that news would be forthcoming and that the stock had been deliberately driven down on the basis that when they were comfortable with the situation they would start to release, at the time I stated that I didn't think that time was to far off and I gave a window of two months. Obviously I was ridiculed but i'm use to that :-)

      The initial intraday peak of plus 163% went far further than I expected and likewise the fallback has gone far further than I expected, the stock was full of many disgruntled investors though after such a long period of decline so I suppose it was, with hindsight, to be expected. I had made mention of this before but expected their exit point to be around the 20-25p level considering that was their most likely entry point. Obviously they couldn't wait to get in at 25p and were climbing over themselves to get out at sub 10p, odd.

      As for myself I have not sold a single share as Eurasia was purchased with the intention of a three year hold period, I was fortunate however to nail 80% of my holding at the ten year closing low which was a stroke of luck. I have stated on the ADVFN board that I have a target for Eurasia of 40p by the end of the year and I still believe that easily possible, we are after all talking about a microcap although I hope in future the gains are far more gradual as this will in turn attract the heavier money.

      Will I be correct?, I really don't know. I was right about the first part which was a pretty brave call at the time but it remains to be seen if I am correct in making the statement that Eurasia could offer one of the best investment returns out of London. A lot can happen in mining though and as always this is all speculation on my behalf and I offer no guarantees. I spent a solid week and I mean a solid week (50hrs) researching Eurasia before taking a position and unless I have missed something I believe I have the company nailed and remain very exited at it's future prospects. Quite how that will translate into the stockprice is difficult to ascertain and only time will resolve that one.
      schrieb am 06.06.06 10:40:49
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.961.017 von hainholz am 05.06.06 23:27:36Hallo Hainholz!
      Suche schon lange nach interessanten englischen Boards. Kannst Du den Link reinstellen?
      schrieb am 10.06.06 23:15:43
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.963.194 von aloisius1 am 06.06.06 10:40:49ein wenig später ,aber bitte sehr…
      schrieb am 15.06.06 20:58:01
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.046.021 von hainholz am 10.06.06 23:15:43Hier gibt es weiterhin gute Kaufkurse;);)
      schrieb am 16.06.06 13:43:46
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Es ist klar,wer hier einsteigt muß etwas Zeit mitbringen.
      In englischen Boards geht man von 40 Pence bis Jahresende aus:eek:
      schrieb am 16.06.06 13:59:43
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.148.063 von hainholz am 16.06.06 13:43:46Der Jahresreport ist da


      announcements - news story
      The information on this page is updated via a feed from the London Stock Exchange's Regulatory News Service.
      Eurasia Mining PLC - Final Results

      RNS Number:3662E
      Eurasia Mining PLC

      Eurasia Mining Plc


      Chairman's Statement

      It is a pleasure to report to you this year as our company embarks on the major voyage that it has been charting for
      over two years. The company has completed the acquisition of four important platinum projects that will see substantial
      investment this year at no cost to shareholders. We are managing these projects together with our partner Anglo Platinum
      Limited and are starting new gold ventures, partly in alliance with AngloGold Ashanti Limited.

      In February 2006 we announced an agreement for the purchase of two Russian companies holding three exploration licences
      in the Kola peninsula near Murmansk in northwest Russia. Here, early results lead us to believe that exploration work
      could lead to the discovery of significant platinum mineralization. Anglo Platinum agrees with us and through our joint
      venture company we have commenced a work programme. This year we are undertaking a $2 million programme that will be
      funded by Anglo Platinum but as work progresses we expect this to accelerate in 2007. Anglo Platinum is funding the
      first $10 million of expenditure as part of our joint venture agreement, explained more fully in the Operations Report.
      We are very encouraged by the early results from these areas and look forward to reporting on our work as the field
      season progresses.

      In the Urals, we were finally reissued with the exploration licence on the West Kytlim area for alluvial platinum and
      fieldwork began immediately. The first drill rig arrived on site in September and work continued into the winter. We
      reported our first detailed results to you in April 2006 and this has confirmed our confidence in this project. The
      excellent results hold out promise for the first two target areas, one of which is a new discovery. If work progresses
      as planned this summer we hope to lodge an application for a mining licence for production in 2007. The aim of the
      programme is to design a project capable of producing 15,000 ounces of platinum per annum, beginning in 2007. Further
      exploration work will also be focused on other targets in the licence area, which could add to the potential.

      In Siberia, we have been working with AngloGold Ashanti Limited on a number of gold targets and exploration projects for
      which further information will be provided when final title has been established. Our efforts have been concentrated on
      areas where there has been historic alluvial production from placer mining for decades but where bedrock exploration is
      at an early stage. Our agreement provides for the first $2 million of expenditure to be provided by AngloGold Ashanti
      before Eurasia begins to contribute an equal proportion of expenditure. In addition, the company has been assessing a
      number of gold production opportunities in conjunction with a potential Russian partner.

      In summary, we believe that Eurasia's work over the past two years has now borne fruit and we look forward to developing
      the company into a significant presence in Russia. This development is set against a background of a changed mining
      industry, both in Russia and worldwide. The major rise in commodity prices over the last three years is the main driving
      force behind a dramatic increase in activity. The industry has become very competitive as a growing army of mining
      companies move to secure mineral assets. At the same time, the increased activity has led to a shortage in both manpower
      and materials, increasing capital and operating costs. However, we have deliberately held back from moving too quickly
      in the current market, combining our own independent work with partnerships that spread the risk and reduce overheads on
      higher risk activities. The plan in the coming year is to build on this solid platform and use the imminent revenue from
      production to strengthen and expand our portfolio.

      At the moment the company has a small and experienced board and management team that will be expanded as the company
      grows. On a sad note, John Mitchell passed away during the year. John was a founder director and former chairman of the
      company and his advice and support will be missed.

      None of our success would have been possible without the dedication of our small but talented executive team based in
      London, together with our professional staff working in Russia. Many of our Russian staff have been with the company for
      some time and have sustained our efforts when life was not easy. On behalf of you all I thank them and look forward to
      us all reaping the rewards in the coming years.

      Dr. Michael Martineau


      Over the past twelve months Eurasia has completed the acquisition of four projects on which it has been working for
      several years. This delay arose due to the formalities involved in completing both licence agreements as well as the
      corporate transactions. In order to bring shareholders up to date with these projects this report summarises the
      technical background of these areas, the results obtained to date, their potential and the plans for the future. The
      information includes results up to April 2006.

      Urals Alluvial Platinum Joint Venture

      The Urals Alluvial Platinum project is a 50:50 joint venture with Anglo Platinum Limited, the largest platinum metal
      producer in the world. It is operated by Eurasia through jointly owned Urals Alluvial Platinum Limited, a Cyprus
      registered company. The joint venture commenced work in 2000 and has worked on a number of licences, seeking
      economically viable alluvial platinum deposits in the Urals. This work is funded 100% by Anglo until a project
      feasibility study has been completed. This year most of the work has concentrated on detailed appraisal of the West
      Kytlim area.

      Historical production of platinum from alluvials in the Urals region over the past 150 years totals some 500 tonnes (16
      million ounces), and small scale production continues today. The joint venture has identified small platinum resources
      over the last 5 years but to date most of these have been too small to be viable for the joint venture.

      The joint venture continues to assess new areas for their platinum potential. Currently the West Kytlim licence is the
      only area held but it is expected that new areas will be applied for in the near future.

      For a number of years the joint venture has been seeking to acquire an interesting area in the central Urals where it
      seemed that significant untested potential for large alluvial platinum concentrations remained. In March 2005 an
      exploration licence was granted for the West Kytlim area but work commenced only in September as a number of detailed
      administrative issues had first to be clarified.

      West Kytlim

      Located approximately 350 km north of Ekaterinburg, the Kytlim district itself has produced approximately 50 tonnes (1.6
      million ounces) of alluvial platinum to date. The joint venture holds a 75% interest in the West Kytlim project, with
      the remaining interest held by Production Artel Yuzhno-Zaozersky Priisk, a successful local alluvial platinum and gold
      mining company.

      The exploration licence covers an area of 171km2 over a drainage system which was partially worked for alluvial platinum
      in the past by dredging and manual methods. The joint venture is targeting previously unworked and untested terrace
      gravels, as well as the tailings from past production which can be reworked to recover residual platinum using modern
      processing technologies.

      In April the first drill hole results were announced that have allowed a preliminary assessment of the resource
      potential of two targets in the licence area. The two targets tested are terraces to the south of the Tylai River and a
      smaller area on the Bolshoya Sosnovka river, a tributary of the Tylai.

      Drill results from the first traverse across the Tylai terraces average 335 milligrams per cubic metre (mg/m3 - the
      standard method of reporting drill results for alluvial deposits) over a surface width of 320 metres (m) and an average
      thickness of 3.2m. Details of the results are provided on the company's web site

      The deposit lies under 1 - 8m of barren river sediment which hitherto has concealed the deposit from previous mining
      activity. The results are consistent with Eurasia's exploration model, which has identified this target as being
      approximately 5 km long on the south side of this river with an estimated total potential volume of 5.1 million m3. A
      second as yet untested target remains to be explored on the north side of the Tylai river.

      In addition to this virgin discovery and located near the headwaters of the Tylai river, a second drill traverse at
      Bolshoya Sosnovka has identified material comprising both tailings from an earlier dredging operation and blocks of
      remnant un-mined material that average 320 mg/m3 from surface, over thicknesses of 3.6 to15.3m. Eurasia's work indicates
      a potential volume of 3.7 million m3 over a surface width of some 200m and a potential length of 2 km. A number of small
      producers in the Urals are economically extracting platinum at grades of 100 to 150 mg/m3.

      An intensive drilling programme continues with the aim of delineating blocks of mineralisation to be test-mined and
      processed during this (2006) summer using a plant that has been constructed by Eurasia. Additional target areas within
      the licence area have yet to be assessed by drilling.

      Following test mining and the definition of mineable reserves, a mining permit will be applied for. Processing of
      alluvial sediment is simple in principle, with excavation and washing of the platinum bearing sediments carried out so
      that a heavy minerals concentrate is produced. This concentrate consists of platinum rich particles as well as other
      heavy minerals such as chromite and magnetite. This concentrate is further processed to leave the platinum concentrate,
      which consists primarily of a mineral alloy called isoferroplatinum. The platinum concentration of this alloy ranges
      from 78% to 89% with iron and copper comprising most of the remainder, with trace gold, silver and other platinum group
      metals. This material is sold directly to refineries, with payment based on the recovered metal. As this material is
      high grade the refining costs are minimal compared to the sulphide rich materials forming the bulk of the world's
      platinum production.

      Resource estimates for alluvial projects are constructed differently from those calculated on hard rock mineral
      deposits. The grades are reported as the recovered weight of platinum concentrate measured against the volume of
      sediments sampled or extracted. Drilling of samples proceeds on a grid which is designed for approval of reserves by the
      Russian authorities - an essential step for obtaining a mining permit. At West Kytlim, two drillhole profiles, one on
      each target area, provide an early indication of the grade of platinum, the distribution of metal in the sediments and
      the thickness and extent of the mineralised layers.

      So far two potential areas of production have been identified. As the capital costs for mining these projects are
      modest, helped by using equipment owned by our local partner, Eurasia expects to see cash flow in 2007 if a mining
      permit is obtained in time for the summer season.

      Other Urals Areas

      A licence held 75% by Eurasia's subsidiary Eurasia PGM Limited has recently been renewed at Baronskoye. Here Eurasia
      discovered palladium-gold mineralisation in 2001 and outlined an area which may have potential for the development of a
      small open pit project. Work this year is looking at metallurgical options which will determine the economics for such a

      Kola Peninsula

      In February 2006 Eurasia agreed to acquire two companies which hold three exploration licences in Murmansk Oblast
      (region) in northwest Russia. This followed a long period of negotiation with the vendors while early exploration work
      was underway. The three areas were acquired because of their good potential for bedrock platinum mineralisation. While
      Eurasia had been seeking to acquire these projects for two years, the company was joined in late 2005 by its partner in
      the Urals project, Anglo Platinum Limited.

      The agreement to acquire a 100% interest in three large exploration areas on the Kola Peninsula in Murmansk Oblast,
      Russia was met by paying $1.5 million and issuing 10 million new Ordinary Shares in Eurasia. The three licence areas are
      Volchetundra, held by ZAO Yuksporskaya Mining Company, and Monchetundra and West Imandra, held by Joint Stock Company
      Terskaya Mining Company. Simultaneously, Eurasia agreed with Rustenburg Platinum Mines Limited (Cyprus) (RPM), a wholly
      owned subsidiary of Anglo Platinum Limited, to include these projects in their existing joint venture, by Eurasia
      selling an 80% interest in the Russian companies into the 50:50 joint venture company, Urals Alluvial Platinum Limited.
      RPM will acquire their interest by providing $1 million as part of the total consideration. On completion, Eurasia will
      hold a 60% interest in the Kola projects.

      Under the agreement, RPM will fund the first $10 million of Kola expenditure before both parties fund in proportion to
      their equity interest. On completion of a bankable feasibility study or the completion of the $10 million expenditure,
      whichever is the sooner, RPM have 90 days to purchase the 20% held by Eurasia for $6 million or $5 per ounce of platinum
      group metals in Russian C1 and C2 categories, whichever is the lesser. Should RPM exercise this option, Eurasia would
      hold 40% of the projects through UAP. RPM can also opt to require UAP to purchase this interest under the same
      conditions. Exploration expenditure totalling approximately $589,000 incurred during 2004 and 2005 has also been
      refunded to the vendors, of which Eurasia's liability represented $246,000.

      The licences are located within 30 kilometres of the town of Monchegorsk in the centre of the Murmansk region. The town
      has been a centre of mining and metal refining since the 1930s, principally of nickel and copper with PGM as by-product.
      Iron mining is also an important industry located to the north of Monchegorsk. Consequently, good rail, road and power
      infrastructure is in place in what would otherwise be a remote area north of the Arctic Circle. PGM mineralization was
      discovered in 1996, associated with ultramafic and mafic intrusive complexes that extend over several hundred
      kilometers. Exploration has only been carried out in recent years but with increasingly favourable results. Two other
      western companies have been working on PGM exploration for a number of years, namely Barrick Gold and Consolidated Puma,
      a company controlled by Bema Gold.

      West Imandra

      This exploration licence comprises a large area of 229 square kilometres and is granted for five years up to 30th
      January 2009. Only early stage exploration for PGM has been undertaken with some trenching and drilling carried out
      previously for chromite. The main targets for exploration are several prospective horizons in a large intrusion hosting
      important layered units of chromitite towards the base and magnetite with anorthosite towards the top, both often
      associated with PGM mineralisation. A sample from outcrop of a chromitite unit has assayed platinum at 1g/t. A recent
      trench on anorthosite below the magnetite layers gave 2.94g/t of PGMs over a 1 metre-thick zone. The work programme for
      2006 involves till geochemistry, geophysics and diamond drilling.


      This licence area, totalling 210 square kilometres, is situated some 20km northeast of the town of Monchegorsk. The
      licence was granted for a period of five years that expires on the 15th July 2008.

      The target geological feature in this area is a north-south, 40km long, 2-4 km wide early Proterozoic mafic intrusive
      comprising mainly gabbros and anorthosites with ultramafic rocks at their base. These were intruded into Archaean
      gneisses and developed a dioritic contact zone on the eastern basal contact of the intrusion. The western contact
      appears to be tectonic.

      Early stage exploration work has identified sulphide rich zones near the base of the intrusion. The northern half of the
      area has been surveyed by till sampling and geochemistry with several anomalies defined for drill testing. Early stage
      mapping, rock sampling and trenching have identified several bedrock targets for PGM. At the southern end of the
      licence, weak nickel-cobalt mineralization is known from exploration work in the 1960s but has never been tested for

      Results of bedrock sampling in trench and outcrop have yielded a number of targets with anomalous PGM. Two zones are of
      particular interest: one with grades of 0.7 g/t of platinum group metals over a thickness of 10 metres, and a second,
      4.7 g/t of platinum, 4.6 g/t of palladium and 2 g/t of gold over a thickness of 2.6 metres.

      The drill programme for 2006 will test the geochemical anomalies and also some of the early rock outcrop targets.
      Further rock sampling, mapping and trenching will be carried out on the former base metal target areas.


      The Monchetundra exploration licence is granted for five years expiring on the 30th August 2009. The area is smaller,
      approximately 36 square kilometres but is centred on four PGM rich horizons identified from previous sampling and

      The target horizons are located near the base of an ultramafic-mafic intrusive complex, with a complex geological
      history. Later structures have disrupted the central part of the area but despite this the four target horizons can be
      seen and correlated over several kilometres. The platinum bearing horizons show different characteristics. Two are
      palladium rich while the other two carry higher platinum grades. High grade results include intersections of 3.58 to
      38.78 grams per tonne (g/t) of combined platinum and palladium over intervals of 0.4 to 2.8 metres. Lower grade
      intersections at some points overlap and extend beyond them - for example 35.9 metres and 13.4 metres of 1.94 g/t and
      2.2 g/t of combined platinum and palladium, respectively. The work completed to date allows Eurasia to plan a detailed
      drilling programme for 2006 to assess continuity along strike and down dip. There is good evidence that the zones are
      continuous, except in an area where faulting has disrupted the geology.

      The 2006 work programme will concentrate on detailing the structure of the zones identified, in particular those with
      potential for a near surface open pit type of mine development. The drill programme will commence in July and can
      continue all year round, due to its proximity to Monchegorsk city and ease of access.

      AngloGold Ashanti Exploration Alliance

      In 2005 Eurasia established an exploration alliance with AngloGold Ashanti Limited, the world's number two gold
      producer, covering gold and related mineral exploration and possible development projects in eastern Siberia. The
      alliance combines our country experience and exploration management skills in the region with AngloGold Ashanti's
      technical and financial resources.

      The Eastern Siberian geological environment represents one of the best endowed, yet least systematically explored
      regions of the world for hard rock gold deposits. Historic production in the region was dominated by placer mining of
      alluvial gold. Since the mid 20th Century a number of large hard rock deposits have been explored and developed. Total
      resources in these deposits, including previous production and known reserves, stands well in excess of 65 million
      ounces, or 2,000 tonnes of gold.

      The agreement gives AngloGold Ashanti the exclusive right to participate in projects proposed by Eurasia, which has
      been appraising potential prospects in the region. AngloGold Ashanti is funding the first $2 million of exploration
      spending in recognition of Eurasia's work to date. Subsequent spending will be shared equally.

      Our objective is to participate in the rapid advancement of a number of projects towards feasibility study. The
      exploration alliance extends the range and type of projects in which Eurasia can participate within this highly
      prospective but increasingly more competitive environment for gold project development. The alliance has already lodged
      applications for licences to explore in five areas and is optimistic of being able to commence work on several of them
      during the 2006 field season.

      The company also continues independently to seek projects that will add value to our portfolio by reviewing and
      potentially bidding for both prospective mineral ground as well as advanced stage projects elsewhere in the country. In
      this regard the company is working with a potential Russian partner to jointly acquire advanced gold development and
      exploration properties.

      C Schaffalitzky
      Managing Director
      schrieb am 21.06.06 14:51:22
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      immer bedenken,nächstes Jahr soll ein Projekt schom produzieren!
      schrieb am 21.06.06 20:05:57
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Eurasia Mining working with potential Russian partner for gold development

      Article layout: raw
      LONDON (AFX) - Eurasia Mining PLC said it continues independently to seek projects that will add value to the portfolio and in this regard the company is working with a potential Russian partner to jointly acquire advanced gold development and exploration properties.

      The comments came alongside results for 2005 which showed a pretax loss of 1.44 mln stg compared with 1.49 mln the prior year.

      During the year, Eurasia completed the acquisition of four platinum projects that will see substantial investment this year at no cost to shareholders, the board said.

      Eurasia is managing these projects together with partner Anglo Platinum Ltd and is starting new gold ventures, partly in alliance with AngloGold Ashanti Ltd.

      In the Urals, if work progresses as planned this summer the group said it hopes to lodge an application for a mining licence for production in 2007.

      The aim of the programme is to design a project capable of producing 15,000 ounces of platinum per annum, beginning in 2007. Further exploration work will also be focused on other targets in the licence area, which could add to the potential, the company said.

      The plan in the coming year is to build on the company's solid platform and use the imminent revenue from production to strengthen and expand the portfolio.

      schrieb am 21.06.06 20:11:10
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.212.156 von hainholz am 21.06.06 20:05:57:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
      Alleinunterhalter bringen es wohl auch zu etwas:D
      schrieb am 21.06.06 20:15:41
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.212.277 von lister am 21.06.06 20:11:10:laugh::laugh:

      jetzt ja nicht mehr

      aber das ist interessant

      Eurasia handhat diese Projekte zusammen mit Partner Angloplatin Ltd. und beginnt neue Goldwagnisse, teils im Bündnis mit AngloGold Ashanti Ltd..
      schrieb am 22.06.06 21:25:08
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      The world's largest platinum producer Anglo Platinum is to provide all the funding for mining explorations in Russia. Exploration cost funding of $2 million will be handed to London-listed firm Eurasia Mining, as it attempts to develop three deposits of platinum in the Kola peninsula, north-west Russia. That is just one part of a $10 million deal that will see Anglo earn 40 per cent interest on the three sites.

      "Most of the platinum in the world comes from two places: the Bushveld (in South Africa), which dominates the industry, and Norilsk, where it's a by-product from a base metal operation," Christian Schaffalitzky, the managing director of Eurasia, told Reuters.

      "Outside of those two areas, identified projects that look attractive for platinum are fairly thin on the ground. We believe that in our Kola projects, we've got three very good ones." Eurasia will also start mining another deposit located in the Ural mountains in the summer of 2007
      schrieb am 22.06.06 21:55:00
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      The most important event for Russian-UK business relations takes place in London on 21 and 22 June: the RBCC Business Summit 2006, organised by the Russo-British Chamber of Commerce. Beginning with a champagne reception at the Royal Courts of Justice from 7pm-9pm, 21 June, the summit itself will take place the next day from 9.30am. A series of roundtable seminars and discussions involving about 250 presidents, chairmen and CEOs of major Russo-British enterprises will be involved. One of the topics discussed will be business opportunities in the Urals Federal District. Participants will include Galina Kovaleva, the Minister of Economy and Labour in the Sverdlovsk Oblast, Eurasia Mining and KPMG, who have headquarters in Ekaterinburg, Yerevan, Tbilisi, Baku, Almaty, Bishkek and Tashkent. The RBCC has been promoting British-Russian business dialogue since 1916, and can be found at
      schrieb am 24.06.06 22:55:01
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.233.862 von hainholz am 22.06.06 21:55:00 …

      alles da von Rang und Namen
      schrieb am 29.06.06 19:10:53
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.299.143 von hainholz am 24.04.06 17:30:38Heute wieder wer zugestiegen,der das große Potenzial erkennt:eek:
      schrieb am 02.07.06 22:52:06
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.299.143 von hainholz am 24.04.06 17:30:38The world's largest platinum producer Anglo Platinum is to provide all the funding for mining explorations in Russia. Exploration cost funding of $2 million will be handed to London-listed firm Eurasia Mining, as it attempts to develop three deposits of platinum in the Kola peninsula, north-west Russia. That is just one part of a $10 million deal that will see Anglo earn 40 per cent interest on the three sites.

      "Most of the platinum in the world comes from two places: the Bushveld (in South Africa), which dominates the industry, and Norilsk, where it's a by-product from a base metal operation," Christian Schaffalitzky, the managing director of Eurasia, told Reuters.

      "Outside of those two areas, identified projects that look attractive for platinum are fairly thin on the ground. We believe that in our Kola projects, we've got three very good ones." Eurasia will also start mining another deposit located in the Ural mountains in the summer of 2007.
      schrieb am 03.08.06 18:59:39
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.387.642 von hainholz am 02.07.06 22:52:06und wieder famose Drillingergebnisse

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      lse announcements - news story
      The information on this page is updated via a feed from the London Stock Exchange's Regulatory News Service.
      Eurasia Mining PLC - Drilling Report

      RNS Number:1745H
      Eurasia Mining PLC
      03 August 2006


      Eurasia Mining plc, the AIM-quoted platinum metals exploration group, is pleased
      to announce substantial progress on its drilling programmes in Russia. This
      drilling forms part of Eurasia's $3 million work programmes for 2006, currently
      wholly funded by the world's largest platinum producer, Anglo Platinum.

      In the Kola Peninsula in north-west Russia, drilling programmes continue on
      Eurasia's three projects: West Imandra, Volchetundra and Monchetundra. Each has
      intersected horizons where geological conditions suggest platinum group metals
      (PGMs) may be present.

      In the central Urals, drilling at West Kytlim also continues to outline two
      alluvial platinum resources that the company hopes to develop in 2007. Assays
      from each of these areas are currently outstanding.

      Eurasia Managing Director Christian Schaffalitzky said: 'We are looking forward
      to the first assay results from our Kola projects which will enable us to begin
      more advanced definition of their potential. In the meantime we are also looking
      forward to the next set of sample results from our West Kytlim project where
      additional traverses across the alluvial terraces and river channels have been

      At West Imandra in the Kola Peninsula, Eurasia has now completed drilling a
      total of 2,300 metres in eight drill holes. These constitute the first drill
      profile across the ultramafic intrusion comprising the core of the licenced
      area. The profile is designed to locate PGM-bearing horizons in bedrock beneath
      the glacial cover soils. The first target tested a zone of PGM mineralisation,
      the presence of which was suggested in at least one horizon from surface outcrop
      sampling. Here a chromite layer gave an assay of 1 gram per tonne of platinum
      prior to the commencement of Eurasia's drill programme. Near this location, two
      drill holes intersected four chromite horizons, with associated disseminated
      sulphide mineralisation. Early drill samples have been submitted for assay in St
      Petersburg. The turnaround time is long, due to heavy workloads during the
      summer period, but initial results are expected in the near future, with further
      results arriving through to the end of the year.

      Drilling work has also commenced on the other two Kola projects, Volchetundra
      and Monchetundra. In both of these areas, sulphide mineralisation has been
      encountered and the programmes are continuing. Eurasia plans to drill a total of
      4,000 metres on the two areas during 2006.

      At West Kytlim in the central Urals, three drill rigs have been working on two
      areas defined for resource drilling as part of a feasibility study underway
      since October 2005. Work is progressing well, with 154 holes completed in the
      first six months of 2006 totaling 2,100 metres of drilling. Also bulk sample
      testing is underway on trench sample material stockpiled at the end of the 2005
      field season, following modifications to the wash plant aimed at improving the
      recovery of fine platinum. This plant is designed to simulate the recoveries of
      a full-scale operating plant being considered for the development.

      In May 2006, Eurasia announced an agreement whereby Anglo Platinum is providing
      funding of up to $10 million for the Kola project in return for an initial
      interest of 40%. At West Kytlim, Anglo Platinum has a 50-50 joint venture with
      Eurasia and is funding all the work up to the completion of a feasibility study.

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